Esophageal dilatation After Nissan fundoplication

An esophageal dilatation in a patient with a Nissen fundoplication needs to be done in a way that allows visualization of the altered anatomy created by the Nissen fundoplication. It is not sufficiently safe to do it “blind.” The risk of esophageal perforation in such a patient with altered anatomy is significantly higher than in a patient with normal anatomy. Direct visualization during Savary dilation with fluoroscopic guidance or under direct vision, using balloon dilatation is required.

Esophageal dilatation after nissan fundoplication medical expert witness specialties include thoracic surgery, otolaryngology, gastroenterology, anesthesiology, and infectious disease.

IF YOU NEED AN Esophageal dilatation After Nissan fundoplication MEDICAL EXPERT, CALL MEDILEX AT (212) 234-1999.