Medilex: The Experts on Medical Experts

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Informed Consent For Transurethral Surgery

Informed consent:  Informed surgical consent is needed for a planned surgical procedure in a non-emergent situation.  It is expected that a surgeon will discuss directly with the patient the risks, benefits, complications, and alternatives to the specific planned surgical procedure.  The patient is expected to ask questions, as needed, to understand the issues and then the surgeon and patient sign a surgical consent that outlines these risks and procedures.  Informed consent for a transurethral procedure on the prostate to improve voiding symptoms needs to include risks such as bleeding, infection, poor healing, the potential injury to the patient organs like the bladder, bowel, and urethra, as well as the risk of incontinence and scarification which might necessitate future procedures to alleviate.  

Informed consent medical expert witness specialties include urology and pediatric urology.

IF YOU NEED An informed consent MEDICAL EXPERT, CALL MEDILEX AT (212) 234-1999.